





  1. 「iThief.scpt」ファイルを「~/Library/iTunes/Scripts/」以下にコピーします。(Scriptsフォルダが無い時は作成して下さい)
  2. 「ithief」ファイルを、パスが通った場所にコピーします。

$ ithief command option argument(s)
$ ithief help
$ ithief se 巡音ルカ
$ ithief ral

  • iTunesにtmp領域的な「iThief」というプレイリストが作成される
  • Web連携コマンドは、Python3.0で動作しない


  •  (i)nformation = Information about the current track.
  •  (p)lay = Play.
  •  (p)lay $$$$ = Play the playlist '$$$$'.
  •  (pt)rack $$$$ = Play the track $$$$ of the current playlist.
  •  (pa)use = Pause.
  •  (n)ext = Next track.
  •  (pr)evious = Previous track.
  •  (b)ack = Go to the beginning of the track or go to previous track if already at the start.
  •  (m)ute = Switch the mute status.
  •  (m)ute on|off = Set mute on or off.
  •  (s)top = Stop.
  •  (q)uit = Quit iTunes.
  •  (r)ate # = Set rating of current track to the given value [0-5].
  •  (re)veal = Show current track.
  •  (ra)ise = Bring itunes to the front.
  •  (v)olume up|down = Turn volume up or down.
  •  (v)olume # = Set volume to the given value [0-100].
  •  (f)ade = Fade out if iTunes is playing, fade in if it's paused.
  •  (f)ade # = Fade in or out to the given value [0-100].
  •  (rep)eat = Switch the repeat option among 'ALL', 'ONE' and 'OFF'.
  •  (rep)eat off|all|one = Set repeat.
  •  (sh)uffle = Switch the shuffle option betwween 'ON' and 'OFF'.
  •  (sh)uffle on|off = Set the shuffle option.
  •  (l)yrics = Show lyrics of the current playlist.
  •  (ls)tracks = List all tracks in the current playlist.
  •  (ls)tracks $$$$ = List all tracks that match '$$$$' in the current playlist.
  •  (lsp)laylists = List all available playlists.
  •  (lsp)laylists $$$$ = List all available playlists that match '$$$$'.
  •  (a)dd = Add current track to playlist 'iThief'.
  •  (a)dd $$$$ = Add current track to playlist '$$$$'.
  •  (se)arch $$$$ = Search tracks matching '$$$$', add them to the playlist 'iThief' and play them.
  •  (se)arch titles $$$$ = Search only in titles.
  •  (se)arch artists $$$$ = Search only in artists.
  •  (se)arch albums $$$$ = Search only in albums.
  •  (se)arch composers $$$$ = Search only in composers.
  •  (se)arch tags $$$$ = Search only in tags.
  •  (se)arch lyrics $$$$ = Search only in lyrics.
  •  (ran)dom # $$$$ = Play # random tracks from playlist $$$$. # and $$$$ are optional.
  •  (rar)tist = Play all tracks from a randomly chosen artist.
  •  (ral)bum = Play all tracks from a randomly chosen album.
  •  (rap)laylist = Play all tracks from a randomly chosen playlist.
  •  (adds)earch $$$$ = Same as 'search' but adds new found tracks to existing ones in playlist 'iThief'.
  •  (o)penstream $$$$ = Open stream with URL '$$$$'.
  •  (c)omment = Display comments of current track.
  •  (c)omment $$$$... = Add $$$$... to current comments.
  •  (t)ag = Display tags of current track.
  •  (t)ag show = Display tags of current track.
  •  (t)ag add $$$$ [$$$$...] = Add tag(s) $$$$ to current track.
  •  (t)ag del $$$$ [$$$$...] = Delete tag(s) $$$$ of current track.
  •  (im)port 'the/path/' = Import file(s) on 'the/path/'.
  •  (cp)playlist = Copy all the tracks from the current playlist into the playlist 'iThief'.
  •  (cp)playlist $$$$ = Copy all the tracks from the current playlist into the given playlist.
  •  (mk)playlist $$$$ = Create a new playlist with the given name.
  •  (w)eb (r)eference# = Search the web for the current track Replace # with a number.
  •  (w)eb (a)mazon = Search on Amazon for the current track.
  •  (w)eb (g)oogle = Search on Google for the current track.
  •  (w)eb (p)andora = Search on Pandora for the current track.
  •  (w)eb (i)tunes = Search on iTunes Store for the current track.
  •  (w)eb (w)ikipedia = Search on Wikipedia for the current track.
  •  (w)eb (amg) (s)ong = Search on All Music Guide for the title of the current track.
  •  (w)eb (amg) (a)rtist = Search on All Music Guide for the artist of the current track.
  •  (w)eb (amg) (al)bum = Search on All Music Guide for the album of the current track.
  •  (w)eb (c)ddb = Search on CDDB (Gracenote) for title of the current track, same options than allmusicguide.
  •  (w)eb (f)reedb = Search on FreeDB for info of the current track, same options than allmusicguide.
  •  (w)eb (ar)twork# = Search for artwork of current track on the web. Replace # with a number.
  •  (w)eb (googlei)mage = Search for artwork of current track on Google Image.
  •  (w)eb (al)lcdcovers = Search for artwork of current track on AllCDCovers.
  •  (w)eb (alb)umart = Search for artwork of current track on AlbumArt.
  •  (w)eb (co)verhunt = Search for artwork of current track on CoverHunt.
  •  (w)eb (m)ega-search = Search for artwork of current track on Mega-Search.
  •  (w)eb (cd)covers = Search for artwork of current track on CDCovers.
  •  (w)eb (s)eekacover = Search for artwork of current track on SeekACover.
  •  (w)eb (sl)eeveage = Search for artwork of current track on SleeveAge.
  •  (w)eb (l)yrics# = Search for lyrics on the web. Replace # with a number.
  •  (w)eb (googlel)yrics = Search for lyrics on Google.
  •  (w)eb (lyricsr)obot = Search for lyrics on LyricsRobot.
  •  (w)eb (lyricse)arch = Search for lyrics on LyricSearch.
  •  (w)eb (met)rolyrics = Search for lyrics on MetroLyrics.
  •  (h)elp = Display this help.
  •  (lic)ense = Display license.
  •  (ve)rsion = Display version and other info.
  •  (ins)tall = Display installation instructions.
※ここでは、iThief 1.2.1を利用しています。

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